Update: Everything new.

Warning: Graphic

The cramps became intense around 4pm yesterday. I was surprised at how different it felt to miscarry at 9 weeks as apposed to 6 weeks. The past 2 miscarriages were uncomfortable and I did have lower back pain. But this really felt like labor pains. Probably stage two where you can still breathe during them, but you would like to throw something at the wall.

The pains in my uterus and lower back came about every minute for three hours and then I literally felt the need to push. I remember that feeling from having my older kids. When it is there, you have no choice but to comply. First, a gush of bright red blood that filled the toilet. I made it just in time. With the first push, a large, dark clot came out. About half the size of my palm. I waited for a few minutes but the urge to push had gone away. So, I went back to lie on the bed. I continued to have the pain about every minute.

An hour later, I felt the urge to push again. This time, I passed the gray egg sack and some additional tissue. And, a lot of blood. I took the sack out of the toilet to look at it. I’m not sure what I thought I might see. I guess I wanted to find some trace of a baby. My baby. But there was nothing.

After about 2 more hours, the pains were almost gone and I had passed more blood clots and much more blood. Today I am bleeding like a normal period.

The doctor said if I kept bleeding past 5 days after the miscarriage, I should come in for a D&C. I hope that will be unnecessary.

If this post feels more clinical than emotional, it’s because it is. I don’t know quite how to express how deep I hurt this time. Your prayers and love and support were so appreciated. Thank you.