Things I Have No Patience For

The lid on the hair gel that takes extra-human strength to pop open. Or the door jam. Or a pair of pliers. None of these things works on a regular basis to open the gel, so all may or may not be employed daily.

Tweezers that no longer work well because they have been opening hair gel lids. When I squeeze your two ends together, meet up and tweeze already.

Coffee filters that stick together before I’ve had my coffee. See the never ending circle of sad there?

Sweaty exercise equipment at the gym. Sweat that has dripped out of another’s pores. I don’t want to touch it. Please?


Cell phones with no speaker.

No matching socks. All I want is a pair of matching socks. Where oh where have you gone, matches? My feet long for you.

8 Replies to “Things I Have No Patience For”

  1. Gym equipment sweat? Totally foul. And why is it always so slippery? It’s like someone has oozed out all the butter and olive oil that they’ve ever ingested in their entire lifetimes.

    And don’t even get me started on those people next to me on the treadmill who fart out this morning’s bacon and cheese omelet right before they finish their workout and walk away like nothing ever happened, leaving me sheepishly donning my best ‘I swear it wasn’t me’ face.

  2. Tweezerman tweezers are the best!
    Free sharpening (though I’ve never had to) and they’ll replace an old damaged pair at half price of a new pair.

  3. About zits. I feel that it is grossly unfair for a woman who is older than, say, 20, to have zits. It should be a rite of passage to be zit-free. Why is it that I still have zits when I am battling new things, like ass fat and eye wrinkles? WHY?

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