The Auction.

So. I’m having an auction on May 17th aptly named ‘I don’t want to move to Utah.’
Because I don’t.
But I might need to.
Here’s hoping I find a way to make the creditors go away. Like making enough money……

Everyone is invited. Are you in the market for great art at auction prices? (did you hear my tv commercial voice??) If you want more information, email me and I’ll send you the invite.

One spot of good news: I might get a position as an apartment manager. Then at least my housing would be taken care of. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Did a photo shoot last night in partial darkness. Good think I had my trusty Reflector Man by my side. He came to the rescue and as a result, I have great photos to turn into the magazine.
Thanx Joe.

quick recap for the kids:
only 2 more days if you don’t count today.
grande love,