
Joe and I watched this show on Sunday night. Intervention makes me feel like I’m sitting in the room with myself and watching the strange manifestations of mental illness, addiction and the complete inability to see or think clearly. All the people documented in the show are somehow a piece of me ages 5 – 30. I’m compelled to keep watching. It’s riveting.

I know that you have to keep the descriptions to a minimum and that you need to protect the people in the program and give them their anonymity. But I’m bothered by the labels. I don’t like labels. And all of them are given one.

Jerrie (Vicodin)
Tamela (self-destruction)

I don’t want to be reduced to one word. I don’t think I could pick only one. There are so many warped things I could call myself. And if I had tried to do that list in the height of my illness, the list really would have been about 25 deep.
