I don't get it.

That’s all we needed….another reality show.
When did watching other people date and get married become entertainment? I’m not sure I understand the whole genre of reality television. My room mate loves to watch the dating shows. I’ve sat with him and tried to enjoy them and see what he sees. But I just don’t get it. Why would I want to sit there and watch other people act like idiots when I can do it in real life all on my own? At any time? Not just from 7 to 8 pm on Wednesday nights?
After the generic dating they moved onto the Bachelor and the Millionaire guy and now we have a season coming on of people getting married by the votes of America. Total strangers getting married because people with no lives are glued to their TV�s every week and will pick out a mate for them. That is SO weird!
And totally sad. What an unfulfilling life you must have to be willing to let a nation of television-aholics with no lives of their own pick out your ‘perfect mate.’ It could be I’m missing something. Maybe I just don’t get it. But I’d much rather go out and live life than live vicariously through people on TV. I’d rather go sky diving or sea diving or do any number of those things they do than watch someone else do it. I just don’t want to eat gross stuff. But I don’t think that’s so unusual…..
And how close to reality is it anyway? Not very. They should show second rate movies stars sitting at home and watching TV since that’s what America is really doing. That’s reality. I don’t know that many people living in the Amazon. Do you?

quick recap for the kids:
getting ready for a busy week, trying to show some paintings soon, had a GREAT weekend with you.
grande love,
