4 Replies to “Graduations, 2007”

  1. It’s raining ribbons and adorable graduates. That’s some weather ya got out there, Leah.

    Perhaps I’m leaving this comment HERE as opposed to THERE on the previous entry because I want to focus on the positive. It’s bright, sunny, and there are smiling people. I thought I’d die having just ONE teen at a time and then when there were TWO I wanted to take out my liver with a dull knife. I saved my liver and decided to go with a slow death of bourbon and cheap wine.


    Hang in there, keep on talking, and be vulnerable. My vulnerability was my strength during their assholish times. They took it easy on me when I proved that I DIDN’T KNOW EVERYTHING and that was ok. Be ok. Be vulnerable. I’m pretty sure you got that one down, toots.

  2. I was blown away by your recent posts as I am “the other mommy.” I am currently raising my sister’s two children, ages 12 and 10. (My kids are 28 and 31) Recently they have just started visitation with their mom. They dread going – 5 hours every Sunday afternoon after church – It’s a mess and I won’t bore you with details but I know my sister must feel much like you right now. I don’t like my sister. At all. For various reasons. But, your recent posts have reminded me of her hurt, regardless of her mistakes (drug abuse) that created this situation – She wasn’t invited to sixth grade graduation. I was. It’s clear your children love you and don’t want to hurt you. Pretty terrific humans you’ve got there. Is there a more painful job on earth than mothering? I don’t think so.

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