(More Than) Two Things

The latest version of LAB Magazine is up! You can view/download it here. Also, for a beautiful hard copy, order from Lulu here. Joseph Robertson is the bomb and does a really nice job putting it together. Also, my interview with Natalie Zee Drieu is in there!

Speaking of Natalie, she’s coming to Blogher this summer to be on my craft panel. Joining us will be Kristin Roach and Kathy Cano Murillo. Are you going to Blogher this year?

We have a mostly permanent home for LA Angst and LA Bloggers Live! (crowd cheering) I know, I know. It is great because they will be held at the Tangier Lounge, which really rocks and has the perfect ambiance for reading to an audience. So join us for our first Live! on Thursday, June 28th, 6:30pm and the next Angst on Wednesday, July 11th at 6:30pm, won’t you?

More Links Sans Segues

Joe got glasses! He looks hot. Now we truly can be Ma and Pa Crawford.

Chuck sports a Bonpron. Find out how to get your own. Join!


When I was young, I had this kit. Spirograph was my kind of ‘game’ because I could do it alone and it allowed me to be inside my head. I have tons of fun OCD tendencies. Counting and drawing lines are right up there at the top of the list of things that I can’t help doing. I keep drawing shapes and color combinations because I think they would make spectacular patterns for stuff. And because they make me happy.
More Spiro fun here and here.

Yes, Twitter can be lots of fun. But everything is even more fun with a cat involved. Sockington is my new favorite contact.

Schmutize wrote a poem called Droopy-boobed Lady, Let’s Go Get Some Bacon-wrapped Goat Cheese Together. If you ever wondered what it’s like to have your brain go wacky while on medication withdrawal, this is it.

Do you have a fantasy life? Mine is never as good as these.

Dutch & Wood’s story of going to Greece is wonderful and worth the read.

Also good: The Importance of Gnats by Carbon Press. It will make you miss your Grandparents something fierce.

Joe and I watched every available episode of Making Fiends the other day. Those 3 hours were well spent. Great style and story.

It’s pretty obvious to everyone in this house that my thyroid medication has stopped working. I need to go to the specialist. I didn’t go and have kept putting it off for a variety of reasons, mostly because I feel too busy trying to move. But, in actuality, I’m sitting on the couch crying about how much there is to do and not really doing it. So, I’d say that it might be time to try something new.

Week Recap (With Links!)

-My post on real estate the other day stirred up quite a little flurry of emails. A couple of them were soft and fuzzy like Easter bunny rabbits. And some of them were jagged and nasty with the intent to maim and cut me. Ha ha! I am a robot and cannot be cut. I still think the bottom line is – be smart and do your own research.

-The day when we have to be out of this house is creeping closer and will leap at me in a few weeks. Scary.

-I started reading Breed’em and Weep a few weeks ago. I do actually cry sometimes and I have bred some, so I guess I’m allowed. Her latest post, an open letter to teenage boys, has lots of good stuff in it. This post resulted in me sending her a fan letter, an action that always results in almost immediate remorse because I am a dork.

-If I could afford it and wasn’t moving and didn’t have to figure out how to pay for a new crown for my stupid tooth, I would buy SuperHero Jewelry.

-We had our first craft trade day at Leahpeah’s Craft. All I can say is that next month will be an improvement which is a nice way of saying I think no one traded anything. I’m reminded of a dance in junior high and no one wants to dance first. But next month, I’m uploading something(s) really awesome and everyone in their right mind will be compelled to participate because they will want one THAT MUCH. !!

-I interviewed for a job yesterday and found out that one of the people in on the call knew my uncle and his family from Arizona. Small world. This particular uncle is a judge and it brought to mind a very hyped up reunion we had one year when there were bodyguards following him everywhere. Us kids/teens all thought it was really awesome or rad or something. Good times.

-You’ll all be happy to know that my first marriage has been officially annulled according to the Catholic Church. I received the letter in the mail yesterday and it states it was no one’s fault and that we are all just great etc. I’m not Catholic but I do appreciate that these men are Holy Men and are acting in a way they feel inspired to. I don’t understand how a marriage of almost 14 years which produced 4 children can be annulled. (Um, we obviously consummated.) But in any case, my ex can now marry his wife in a Catholic church and have it be a valid marriage which makes them very happy and me happy by association. I suppose it also means that should we ever wish to, Joe and I could get married by a priest and have it be a valid Catholic marriage also. Religion is still a weird area for me. I think because I was raised in such a structured religious environment I am a little loathe to get involved or join any other organized religion. I mean, if I wanted to do that, why not just go back to the Mormon church? I already know all the good and bad stuff in that religion and have the 13 Articles of Faith memorized. Also, there is no sudden and repetitive kneeling in the middle of the service. Just lots of little kids and dry cereal and crayons.

-Joe upgraded his phone. This new, improved phone comes with voice texting. It’s my new favorite game.

For example, he says into the phone:
Leah comma I’m coming up on Topanga Canyon period I Love you exclamation point Love comma Joe period

And what I get is:
Betty, thank you hiding sheet tactile canyon. Lambda unit! Lilac, Chet.

To which I reply:
Oh, Chet! My tactile canyon is hiding under the sheets waiting for your lambda unit. I love you, too! Betty.

And he has no idea what I’m talking about.

Two Things*

Since I’m spending a whole lot of unsupervised time feeling like the identical twin of a large lumpy splat of mashed potatoes, I’m sending you to two other sites that talk about doctors and body image.

1. Jen linked to Meg Fowler yesterday. The post is long but oh, so worth it.

2. Did you say crappy doctor? Yes, Mimi did.

*Bonus: here is a phrase my son said last night. I’m going to keep it totally out of context because it’s much better that way. “You know, Mom, I’m just not comfortable yelling vagina the same way I do penis.”

Two Many Links

It’s no secret I shred like a demon. And now I find out I can make my own music?? (Via Waxy)

Not Martha made awesome rechargeable sun jars. Her step by step instructions rule. These are definitely a contender for next Christmas.

I waited breathlessly for months for Paul Ford to write again and now he is. My lungs thank him as does my brain because he is one of the funniest and smartest writers I (would like to) know.

Miss Snark is a great resource for writers. She is very to the point and full of great information. I would love her as an agent as I’m sure she wouldn’t put up with any funny business. She links to the 20 worst Agencies.

Joe sent me a link to a Thomas P.M. Barnett blog entry which says in well-written words what I sometimes feel after receiving a whole bag of reader mail.

I can’t believe this happened. It just seems so stupid and preventable.

Sassy keeps yelling that we need this stuff to combat the ants throwing a party in our walls. I must admit that it feels like nothing will work but we will be giving it a try as soon as it stops raining.

Susan sent me a bunch of stuff as did Susannah and Lisa. Photos and an update to the painting page coming soon.

Tyler and I play a game where we text each other numbers and it’s like a code where the other person has to decipher it using the keypad to see what they said.

For example: “99966688 277733 2 366677755443323.” is “You are a dorkhead.” But sometimes when a word uses two letters that show up next to each other on the keypad, it gets confusing and since there is no way of knowing what the other person said you just make it up.

For example: “666667777 333333 77766622255” is supposed to be “Moms def rock” but because M and O are on the same key, it ends up being hard to figure out. (Unless I’m your mom. Then you know I rock and there is no question.) But thank goodness we have free texting because the kids and I use it all the time. This entry from Bethemedia is about T9’s effect on our language. I hate T9 and have it turned off but as a result I probably have to hit more buttons than T9 lovers do. On the other hand, I won’t accidentally say ‘book’ instead of ‘cool’ and it won’t be until my boys start saying it and thinking that book is another way to say cool that I’ll start using it to make fun of them which will really just perpetuate the issue and I’ll be the only 93 year old person still saying ‘That is so book’ and ‘Rad’. I am the only 36 year old person that still says ‘Dude’ on a regular basis so I guess that is par. (Via Kottke)

Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton is my new favorite song. (Via Joe)

Sarah sent me this the other day. She and I are going for sure and bringing our crystal shards with us. Also, have you sent in your entry for the Cringe book yet? (Read Heather’s entry here.)

Two Things

1. I pierced my nose. Then I got sick. Then last night while I was sleeping, the pillow (in league with my mother and possibly the heart of Joe) snagged the tiny diamond and removed it from the swollen hole. If you’ve ever pierced your nose you know that the fresh hole closed up faster than I could yell ‘No!!” and grope around in the dark for the tiny stud. I don’t even have a photo of it in my nose, so slight was its inhabitance in my body. But here is a photo of where it used to be:


And one of my hair, because soon you’ll hear a story about it and you’ll need it for a reference.


2. Silent Bob / Kevin Smith has a website. He’s still funny. I thought he went away but in fact, he just morphed into someone that talks sometimes. The latest installment of Sucks Less teaches you how to potty train your cat so you never have to clean a litter box again. Very important information!

Two Things

Have you seen Craftzine? I believe it’s from the Make people. It looks pretty new. I found it while searching for things to make for Christmas presents. In their blog, I found two links that made me glad I found them:

1. Knitting, How to Cast On. Do you know how many times I’ve looked this up and had to search for what felt like forever? It’s one of those things I keep forgetting in between my urges for knitting (every winter). The post is by Brian Sawyer at the Instructables website and includes great photos. Next, Cast Off? (hint)

2. Make Your Own Blank Books. I’ve made books a number of times but this is the first time I’ve heard of using old game boards for the covers. Brilliant! Pretty nice step-by-step by Firefly at the Craftster.org website. Firefly uses a homemade wheat paste where I’ve always used a thinned glue or a decoupage glue, but it’s basically the same thing.

For Christmas presents, I’m usually looking for things that can be mass-produced and don’t take longer than about an hour/per since Joe and I both have such large families. We’re talking about 30-40 people all together. The book doesn’t fall within that timeframe and I won’t be using it for this Christmas but homemade books make great wedding gifts, if you’re crafty and looking for something special to make.

Two Things

1. Jon has a thoroughly uber-rad step by step post up about how to get your photos looking awesome using Photoshop.

2. Tampon Crafts. Need I say more? Well, no. But I feel compelled to tell you that this information will very soon find its way into conversations with my kids. Some parents show naked baby pictures in front of friends. I talk about guns that shoot tampons at the dinner table. (via Schmutzie)

Party Pooper + Two Things

I don’t like Halloween. I know. Shut up.

Pretending to be someone I’m not is not fun for me. I tried for years just to figure out how to be myself. But beyond that, I don’t like to be scared. And there, my friend, goes pretty much all of the fun of Halloween. I try to be supportive. I want my kids to have a good time. But holy hell, I don’t do a very good job. You know that guy? That smells something bad? And you know it and even if he says, ‘Nope. I’m only smelling roses right now. Are you kidding me?’ you just know what he’s smelling is BAD because his face is in a grimace and his nose is squished and the look on his face says: This Smells Bad. That is me, people. That is me around Halloween. And no matter how much I try to pretend that I’m 100% behind the ghoulish mask my son wants to wear or the only slightly-not-slutty skirt my daughter wants to wear with the thigh-high tights (but there is a bow in my hair mommy! and a cane! it’s a bo beep outfit, not a streetwalker!), I just can’t deliver. I will never be a famous actress. Please wake me up around November 3rd after people have had a chance to take down their asinine decorations. I seem a bit petulant in this area. I cannot disagree with you.

1. Have you met M. Kennedy? I love her. And she is hijacking the entire month of November simply because she can. NaBloPoMo is your blog’s way of saying Wake Up! Write Me! I Love You! You might notice that I am not committing to the month long love fest but that is only because I am petulant and lazy, as noted above. But you might not be able to refuse her. She has badges. Badges!

2. Suebob wrote about a site the other day and I could not stop thinking about it. Who wants to help women? Me. Who wants to do what they can, even if it is >30$ a month? Me. Who cares about the state of the world? Me. Go check out Women for Women International.

Two Three Things

1. Here is my video interview with Arianna Huffington. You can tell by the rosy-red hue of my makeup that I’m positively tickled to get to speak with her about her new book On Becoming Fearless.

2. Cooper Munroe’s article is very compelling, as is the video she links to encouraging women to get out and vote. More info at the WomensVoices, WomensVote website.

3. Are you looking for more accurate reading material for you and your children to share at bedtime? Sweet Juniper! has you covered. So worth the read.